Sacramento Kaiser Therapeutic Behavior Services (TBS)
KAISER THERAPEUTIC BEHAVIOR SERVICES (Kaiser TBS) is a partnership between Turning Point Community Programs and Kaiser Permanente providing intensive in-home based services to youths and their families experiencing behavior difficulties which place the child at risk for psychiatric hospitalization or loss of housing placement. KAISER TBS provides services for children 0-18 years old with 100% insurance through Kaiser Permanente and are receiving services through Kaiser’s Child and Family Psychiatry Department. The goal of the program is to improve behaviors in the home to maintain housing placements and prevent hospitalization or residential stays.
Sacramento Kaiser Therapeutic Behavior Services (TBS)
Phone: (916) 394-5046
Address: 5417 Madison Ave. Sacramento, CA 95841
Services Provided
- Behavior modification through assessment, treatment planning, and interventions
- Case coordination with each client’s treatment providers and caregivers
- In-home and community-based services
- Psychosocial rehabilitation
How to get involved
Referrals are made by treatment providers with Kaiser’s Child and Family Psychiatry Department.
Funding information
Funding provided by Kaiser Permanente.